Welcome to a VISUALIA, a playground for audiovisual excursion, education and live performance.

For three weeks, two artists will work both individually and collectively, as they dive into the environment of an elder school and bohemian life in order to produce experimental experiences..

Visualia x Into the Woods 2024

Follow @visualia.se for images, video and more.

ITW24 Visualia Erik Natanael.jpg

ITW24 Visualia Hara Alonso.jpg

ITW24 Visualia Leo Pahta.jpg

ITW24 Visualia Merle Karp.jpg

ITW24 Visualia Tomas Larsson.jpg

ITW24 Visualia Murilo Polese.jpg

Welcome to Långaveka småskola where VISUALIA residents Niklas Alriksson and Erik Natanael present their ongoing research. Their work, both individually and collectively, has revolved around the seen and unseen, shadow & light play, perspective and narrative. Rediscovering the self, and the exploring the knowledge within, while trying out methods and techniques which there have previously not been time for. Concrete, glass, video.


A bit of history…

In 1905 Långaveka småskola opened its doors and became the educational home for the village children. In 1961 the new Långavekaskolan was inaugurated, and 1973 Långaveka småskola became a residential building which in 1987 it got new owners: teacher Inger Kindberg and artist Bengt Johansson.

Inger began teaching at Långavekaskolan, where she remained until retirement, loved by pupils and colleagues alike. Bengt is still painting.

The house is frequented by their three sons and extended families, who themselves are artists and teachers. The youngest, Jonas Johansson, motivated by both participating in as well as facilitating residencies is opening the doors anew!

With VISUALIA, the intention is to invite national and international artists, building on the old school's legacy of education and art. With its picturesque disposition, frugal way of life and techno-optimism, it's a unique space for both serenity and innovation.

Albertina Bergman in front of the new school in Långaveka 1905.

Albertina Bergman in front of the new school in Långaveka 1905. www.hembygd.se

Jonas Johansson in front of konsthallen by architect Gunilla Bellander. © Ola Folkesson, HN.se.

Jonas Johansson in front of konsthallen by architect Gunilla Bellander. © Ola Folkesson, HN.se.

Visualia artist residency is supported by Region Halland.

Logo by Adam Siversen Ljung.

Member of SWAN (Swedish Artist Residency Network).
